Rotary Club Trustbank Honor Teachers
TrustBank is a longtime partner and sponsor of the Rotary Club of Sun Lakes Teacher of the Month! We are delighted to share with you the following announcement from the club:
Rotary Club of Sun Lakes has announced that Molly Garrison, 1st Grade Teacher at Chandler’s Elementary Connect Online Academy, received RCSL’s Education Program Teacher for the Month of September 2021 and Laurie Jensen, 2nd Grade Teacher at Chandler Traditional Academy (CTA Goodman), received RCSL’s Education Program’s Teacher for the Month of October 2021. The monthly teacher awards are sponsored jointly by Rotary Club of Sun Lakes, Trust Bank and Earnhardt Auto Centers.
Per RCSL’s Education Chair, Don Robins, each month various RSLC Members select from a large base of nominees a teacher from East Valley using the following selection criteria: total years of service in the field of education; examples of how the proposed teacher goes above the normal requirements; examples of how teacher enhances the education of her/his students; the respect for the teacher by her/his peers, students and parents; and, interest shown by the teacher to be involved in extracurricular activities and in the community.
Mrs. Garrison is a graduate of the College of Education at Arizona State University; received her master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Northern Arizona University; has earned endorsements in both reading and English Language Instruction; is a Spalding Certified Teacher; and, has been teaching first grade since 1999. Mrs. Garrison’s goal is to create a community of lifelong learners who will always value the importance of education.
Mrs. Jensen received her BA in English from Cal Poly Pomona located in Southern California and her Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from ASU; and this is her 13th year of teaching at CTA Goodman. Teaching children how to write is one of Ms. Jensen’s favorite things to do.
Jon Lyons, RCSL President, congratulated and thanked both Mrs. Garrison and Mrs. Jensen for their outstanding support of education and youth within the East Valley. For more information about Rotary Club of Sun Lakes Education Programs and/or membership see